Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bsc Resolutions(From Book 50: Dawn's Big Date)

here is the new years resolutions that the bsc make in book 50: Dawn's big date.

Kristy: wants to make her team Kristy's Krushers be the winning team for this year( which is 1992). Apparently she was being too easy on the kids. Boring. Moving on.

Mary Anne: wishes to be less shy and more outgoing. After seeing Cokie get so frisky on Logan during book 46, she decides to act the same way.(Just don't change your personality though Mary Anne. Besides your fine just the way you are. Just quit with the crying all the time, ok?)

Claudia: WISHES  to try to do better in school.(but that is never going to happen since she's too lazy to do it.)

Mallory: wishes to try to stop whinning about how she looks with glasses and basically wishes to stop being such a pain( If you could only remember what you say later on in the series Mallory Pike.)

Jessi: wishes to try to do a ballotte, which is an advanced ballet jump( Again, boring wish right there. Moving on).

Stacey: WISHES to stop missing and whining over the foods she cant have. Otherwise it will drive her crazy.

Dawn: LIES about wanting to do something with her hair. She really wants to have a steady boyfriend like Lewis. But that makes her go into the insecure stage rather than individual phase.

no shannon resolutions nor logan. and abby doesnt exist until later on.

p.s. claudia has a crush on arthur ferigold.

the end