Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jessi Ramsey,Pet Sitter(a.k.a. Kristy's such a Fucking Bitch in this one)


I just can't get through reading this book.

I mean boy was that book good and for a lot of reasons.

1. Kristy is such a fucking bitch in this one

2. i love it how they fight in this one based on the way kristy treats them

3. the way they acted its enough to make me want to practically want to tell them to grow up

and get a fucking life you babies

but im getting ahead of myself

let me get back to the beginning of the story

shall we?

It all started when Jessi takes a job watching mr. and mrs. mancusi's pets.

Then kristy gets all bitchy and claudia tells her to grow up and stop being a bitch

(dont we all claudia, dont we all)

then kristy tells the gang that ever since charlie got a job and college applications in, he's been acting all pushy and bossy, and basically orders kristy and her family around and makes them do chores for him

(hmmmm karma can be a real bitch aint it kristy.)

Now you know how charlie feels about practically sacrificing his time and giving up his life outdoors just to drag your sorry ass to clubs and meetings and making him do ridiculous things at once. You finally get what's coming to you bitch. Karma can be a bitch indeed doesnt it kristy. Doesnt it.)

Anyways,.... jessi takes the job and offers tours to claudia and nina marshall as well as jamie, who likes to be more active and out of control( for a 4 year old boy)

and they even solve a mystery with a snake when barney(the snake) goes missing out of his cage.( thanks to Mary Anne and also Gabbie and Myriah perkins, who reminds me of Jonbenet Ramsey and her little brother)

The real drama begins when Kristy starts ordering people around and tells them to start writing in the notebook more often and then write it down on this stupid checklist on the board( What is this kristy? Boarding school)!

Then Mary Anne asks Kristy why she is doing this and dont she thinks they are trustworthy enough(which makes me want to say no Mary anne because apparently kristy doesnt trust you guys cause your such babies).

Then Kristy tells them she does think they are trustworthy enough, but she wants to make sure she sees them do it( which leaves Mary Anne, Dawn, and Claudia in a hissy fit)

and basically throw a bitch fight at her and start calling her names

(ha ha ha ha you go girls).

Then Dawn(who is supposed to be the laid back,calm one) actually stands up to Kristy and tells her what she thinks about her rules and really lets her have it(wow Kristy, looks like your little checklist idea really isnt such a good idea after all)

In fact it it is one of your stupidest ideas that you ever think of and really should think before you host another one of your not so bright ideas.

Things soon begin heating up when Mary Anne complains about having to do all this secretary work( Wow mary anne you didnt seem to have a problem doing all this secretarial work. why all of a sudden a change of heart? Besides it isnt even that hard once you get the hang of things and its not like you guys have a job anyways since your all 13 and shit)

Then Dawn complains about having to listening to everybody's whining(over what a dollar?)

to give to the meetings, then about being treasurer(since stacey is away and focusing on her own life, outside of the babysitter's club)

And then Claudia complains about being tired of always answering the phone when calls come in after meeting hours, and also sharing her candy to everyone(Gheesh bitch you didnt even have a major role to do in the first place and why acting so stingy all of a sudden, you dont want to share your nasty snacks to everyone)

what's the matter claudia

your afraid of turning to El Gordo( which is fat in Spanish) and your parents basically banning your ass for eating all junk food all the time

while theyre trying to work hard for a living?

(crazy bitch indeed)

Then Kristy wants to stay as president cause its her job and she's not willing to give up her post yet(Which causes Dawn to leave out of the room and Mary Anne to cry her eyes out as well as Claudia and Kristy basically bitching each other out and having a shouting fest all over the house

(and cops basically calling their asses and jessi and mallory leaving the room and wishing they werent members anymore)

Then Jessi and mallory think of a plan on how to stop the bsc from basically killing their asses off and then checks up on misty the hamster and soon learns the hamster is sick and takes it to the hospital( making her miss the meeting and kristy being all frantic cause she dont have one of her puppets order around and make them do her will)

Then the doctor tells Jessi and the others that the hamster is a girl and that she is in the middle of a pregancy( causing the others to be in shock but basically get over that and helps the hamster out while she is having babies)

Isnt that cute?

Then Kristy gets a taste of her own medicine when she watches Jackie Rodowsky( The walking disaster) and Jackie tells her she is too bossy, when Kristy pushes Jackie to run for office as President, then fixes him up, and pushes him around( Gheesh Kristy you man dyke, Give the POOR KID A BREAK! HE"S FUCKING 7 YEARS OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD)

Then Kristy finally realizes she has been too bossy( YA THINK) and tears down the checklist and gives the members their jobs back again and finally learns to improve her bossiness,

which the rest of the members forgive her again.

and becomes one big happy family

(at least until in book 60 when mary anne gets a haircut)

then will she how it will last again.

wouldnt you agree

p.s. jessi, mallory, and jackie each gets a pet hamster.

and jessi names it misty.

the end

Get it!

on the cover;
jessi actually looks older
much cuter too.


Linainverse5 said...

good post so far
man what a bitch that kristy is
at least mal and jessi were the sensible ones
so far
i miss stacey though
good book so far

marslover5. said...

man is kristy so cold
i mean gosh kristy
a scheduler board
what is this the 1950's
(no wonder they think she's the most immature of all 8th graders)
all in all great post
cant wait to reaD that book when i get a chance